Fitness to Dive and Snorkels

Hi All, 
As we are getting close to the dive season kicking off please note that you must be paid in full, complete the Fitness to Dive Process and a minimum of 3 open water snorkels before any diving commences. Your logbook is used to record the snorkels. 
The Fitness to dive consists of 3 stages and each stage is verified online on CFT COMS or under members section. Once you have completed the fitness to dives you will have the 3 green ticks representing each of the sections : 
First Name SecondName      IRISH SAC     CURRENT        

 Below is summary of the requirements of Fitness to Dive; refer to the COMS guide under CFT Documentation on this website and current Courses and Test Book 2013 for full details. 

(a) Annual Fitness Test-
Pool Exercises
1. Snorkel or swim 200m without stopping
2. Snorkel dive with fins and mask and fin a distance of 25m underwater
3. Tow a snorkel diver 50m


Open Water exercises

1. Snorkel or swim 200m without stopping
2.Snorkel dive to 5m in sheltered open water
3. Tow a snorkel diver 50m

1.The test must be witnessed by the Diving Officer or by his/her nominee
2.Repeat testing will be at the discretion of the Diving Officer
3.If any person becomes unusually breathless, the pool test must be stopped

Once this is completed I will verify on COMS.

(b) Annual Medical Disclaimer
The Diver must complete this on COMS (reviewed by CFT medical officer if necessary)

(c) Have an in date Medical Assessment by a GP stating you are medically fit to dive
A medical assessment is required as follows:
1 On joining CFT as a diving member
2 On reaching the age of 35
3 Three yearly from the age of 35
4 Annually from the age of 55
5 If a diver’s health status has changed since the last medical examination
If you require a medical please take the medical assessment form to your GP and have them complete the medical, sign the the form and sign and stamp your logbook. You then need to show your completed form and signed & stamped logbook to me. I will then verify your medical assessment on COMS. The medical assessment form is attached and can also be downloaded under the COMS members section.
Once the Fitness to dive process above and 3 open water snorkels are completed and logged, I will sign and stamp active diver insert for the season and you can you can begin diving.  Any questions or queries please contact me. I will be at the pool next Monday so you can speak to me then also. I will also be asking people to complete the annual fitness test ... :)
Mark Lawlor
Diving Officer, ISAC